Rotary International - Rotary Glossary
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1 Acting GovernorOne who is appointed by the president to fill a vacancy in the office of governor until such time as a new governor has been elected by the convention or the RI Board. An acting governor also may be appointed to fill a temporary vacancy during a time when the governor is unable to fulfill the responsibilities of the office.
2 Active MemberA member of a club who has been elected to membership in the club under a classification of business or profession and who has all the obligations, responsibilities, and privileges of membership as provided in the RI constitution and bylaws.
3 Admission FeeFee paid to a club by an applicant for membership in the club. The fee varies according to the amount specified by each club in its bylaws.
4 Alternate (delegate)Any club may, at the time of selecting its delegates to the convention, choose for each delegate one alternate, such alternate being entitled to vote at the convention in case of the absence of the delegate for whom the alternate was chosen.
5 Assembly, ClubMeeting of all club officers, directors, and committee chairs, held for the purpose of conferring on the program and activities of the club.
6 Assembly, DistrictA training meeting conducted annually, preferably in April or May, of club presidents-elect and members of clubs assigned by the club president-elect to serve in key leadership roles in the upcoming year. It provides a program of instruction to develop club leaders who have the necessary skills, knowledge, and motivation to improve club effectiveness as defined by the RI Board as well as an opportunity to share local and district plans and objectives.
7 Assembly, InternationalAnnual meeting attended by general officers, governors-elect, RI committee chairs, and others designated by the RI Board. Its purpose is to provide Rotary education, instruction in administrative duties, motivation, and inspiration to governors-elect and to afford them and others in attendance an opportunity to discuss and plan how to implement Rotary’s programs and activities during the ensuing year.
8 Assistant GovernorA Rotarian appointed by the governor, in accordance with RI Board policy, to assist the governor with the administrative work associated with club operations for designated clubs within an assigned geographic area.
9 Associate FoundationA foundation which has been established based on criteria and guidelines from the Foundation trustees and approved for operation as an associate foundation by the trustees. The primary purpose of associate foundations is to provide tax benefits to Rotarians in countries where such foundations have been established.
10 Attendance ReportReport of the attendance at its meetings which each club is required by the RI bylaws to make each month to its governor, if the club is within a district, or otherwise to the general secretary.
11 Board of Directors (Club)Governing body of a Rotary club, to be constituted as the bylaws of the club may provide.
12 Certificate of Nomination of GovernorCertificate signed by the governor certifying the nomination of the Rotarian duly nominated by the clubs in the district for the office of governor in a specified future year.
13 Charter MemberA founding member of a Rotary club. This member is elected to membership prior to the admission of the club to membership in RI.
14 ClassificationWord or phrase which describes a separate and distinct business or professional service rendered to the community. As a term, it is the word or phrase which most accurately describes the principal and recognized business or professional activity of the firm, company, or institution with which an active member is connected or that which covers the active member’s principal and recognized business or professional activity.
15 Classification RosterComplete list of business and professional activities of the community, showing which have been filled, and which remain unfilled, in the club.
16 Club ForumFormal meeting of the entire club membership to inform members about service activities.
17 Club LocalityAn area which contains the minimum number of classifications required for the formation of a new club. A club may be organized in the same locality as one or more existing clubs.
18 Club ServiceRotary’s first Avenue of Service involves actions a Rotarian must take within the club to help it function successfully.
19 Code of Policies, RotaryA comprehensive document containing all of the general and permanent policies of Rotary International.
20 Committee, RI, Ad HocA non-mandatory committee established by the RI Board that continues in existence until its tasks are completed.
21 Committee, RI, SpecialA nonmandatory committee that continues in existence until the end of each Rotary year in which it is appointed.
22 Committee, RI, StandingA committee mandated in section 16.010. of the RI bylaws.
23 Community ServiceRotary’s third Avenue of Service comprises varied efforts that Rotarians make, sometimes in conjunction with others (e.g., a Rotaract or Interact club or a Rotary Community Corps), to improve the quality of life for those who live within their club’s locality or municipality.
24 ConventionAnnual international meeting of Rotary International. Its primary purpose is to inspire and inform Rotarians at an international level. Club delegates from around the world elect RI officers for the coming Rotary year, including the president and RI Board.
25 Council on LegislationRotary International’s legislative body as provided for in article X of the RI constitution and article VIII of the RI bylaws. It is attended by a representative of the clubs of each district and meets every third year to deliberate and act upon proposed enactments and resolutions submitted by clubs, district conferences, the general council or conference of RIBI, the council on legislation, and the RI Board. Its actions in adopting legislation are subject to review by all clubs.